A Multi-Touch Agile Card Wall
Agile software development teamrooms typically use “card walls” to facilitate ongoing situational awareness and act as a referent for stand-up meetings and retrospectives. The typical advice is that the wall be made of real paper cards, to simplify the working and to act as a forcing function for people to engage. We suggest that an interactive multi-touch card wall might provide similar facilitation, without the isolating effect of typical displays. We are developing such a display, using Python and PyMT, and using a variety of compatible devices: our home-made multi-touch table, smaller two-touch monitors, and the Smart Table. Out intended target device is a large multi-touch wall, and we are currently constructing a home-made vertical device.
- Robert Biddle, Carleton University (Supervisor)
- Stevenson Gossage, Carleton University (Student)
Application Areas
- Software Teamroom